Water independence has arrived.

Our mission is to develop, produce and deliver quality, innovative technologies that make a positive difference and impact on the world.

Together we can make accessing water easier and greener anywhere on the planet. 

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Pure reliable drinking water off grid


Pure reliable drinking water for businesses


Consistent water purity with no drop off, ever!

Higher purity

Leading pollutant removal, no matter the source

Low maintenance

Low maintenance cost with no consumable parts

No consumables

Environmentally friendly world first technology

We believe technology will solve the worlds biggest problems, so we dare to ask...

what IF?

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IF purifiers are different, using proprietary high speed and energy efficient vapour distillation to purify, rather than consuming filters and membranes like traditional purifiers. We believe good water purifiers should contain 3 things: Evaporative purification technology; High temperature (>100C) to capture & destroy contaminants; Smart sensors to automatically monitor and ensure consistency. 

The device operates by distillation, which involves the boiling of input water. MVCD technology operates approximately 22 times more efficiently than boiling a kettle. Unlike traditional (ie filter-based) systems, MVCD does NOT require a costly (in $$ AND in carbon footprint) ongoing supply of consumables, which then have to be disposed of.

An IF purifier costs around 3p per litre to run. During operation, the device consumes approx. 350 watts, around that of a standard refrigerator (though the energy consumed during “heating” phase is higher, this reduces significantly  when operating temperature is reached, thus the overall average figure).

If you are concerned about the water in your taps, and do not want to turn to environmentally damaging bottled water, an IF purifier might be for you. 

Whilst drinking water in many parts of the world is certified by relevant water bodies / legislation, these simply define “worst-case” acceptance levels, rather than desired drinking water.