Reducing the growing reliance on bottled water
by Natalie Hutcheson April 25, 2023 1 min read
Only 0.3% of the world’s water is fresh and drinkable, and by 2025, two thirds of the world’s population may be facing water shortages. The Defence sector, both in the UK and around the world, has a very high reliance on bottled water, and accessing clean, safe water is critical for operations to succeed.
We are looking to reduce the human cost of accessing water in remote environments through our technology. We provide a mobile water source, which removes the need to transport large quantities of bottled water, and dramatically reduces the extraction time when breaking down logistical infrastructure.
Plastic bottles act as the ideal housing for an IED. Given the remote and austere environments of military operations, specifically those in conflict zones, it is crucial that any plastic bottles are disposed of to prevent potential IED risks. Through our mobile purification technology, the reliance on plastic bottles can be greatly decreased, while at the same time supporting the MoD’s call for more operational self-sufficiency.
Transporting water is not only expensive, but dangerous. On average one in every fifty supply convoys in Iraq and Afghanistan became a casualty, and considering at one point in the Afghan conflict over 60% of air freight was for bottled water, the need for an alternative and sustainable solution is clear.
The MVCD™ technology offers an easily transportable, high quality solution that mitigates both health and mission risks, taking personnel out of harm’s way. The impact of having a technologically advanced water purification device, that increases access to safe water, reduces transportation time, costs and risks, while also being environmentally beneficial, would be significant.
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