Arsenic exposure discovered in Cornish Private Water Supplies
In 2016, the British Geological Survey, along with a Manchester PhD student, discovered high exposure to Arsenic in private water supplies in the UK.
In this case study, we explore the problem of Arsenic in water, and show the results of the IF Water|One water purifier.
What is Arsenic?
Arsenic is a natural component of the earth’s crust, and is naturally present in the groundwater of several countries and is highly toxic in its inorganic form.
An estimated 137 million people are unknowingly exposed to unsafe levels of arsenic in their drinking water according to the Department of Geography at the University of Cambridge. In the United Kingdom, areas like the north of England, the Midlands, and mid-Wales are susceptible to arsenic contamination, particularly for those relying on private wells and boreholes for their water supplies.
Why Arsenic is still a real problem
Prolonged exposure to arsenic-contaminated water can lead to various health issues, including skin lesions, cardiovascular disease, and several types of cancer, such as skin, lung, bladder, and kidney cancer.
Vulnerable populations, such as children and pregnant women, are especially at risk. Research presented by Dr. Allan Smith of the University of California Berkeley highlights that arsenic poses long-term health risks surpassing those of any other potential water contaminant.
How the WaterOne removes Arsenic
Distillation systems, like the IF Water|One, offer an effective solution for the removal of common chemical contaminants, including arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, nitrate, sodium, sulfate, and various organic chemicals.
The evaporative process leaces metals, and other heavy contaminants, including arsenic, behind.
Remove Arsenic from your property
Removing Arsenic consistently can be challenging for traditional purifiers, but the unique WaterOne purifies differently for absolute Arsenic removal.
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